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/ HPAVC / HPAVC CD-ROM.iso / PWAPG10.ZIP / 500.PPE (.txt) < prev    next >
PCBoard Programming Language Executable  |  1994-08-16  |  1KB  |  167 lines

  1. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ;                                                   .ss.
  3. ;                                                   `²²'
  4. ;             .,sS$Ss,,s$  .,sS$$$Ss.  .,sS$Ss,,s$ .ss.  .sSs.
  5. ;           .d$$²^°²$$$$'.d$P²°^^²$P'.d$$²^°²$$$$'.$$$' .$$$²Sb,.
  6. ;           $$$'   .$$$' $$$²Sçsµ²' .$$$'   .$$$'.$$$' .$$$'  `$$b.
  7. ;           $$$b,,d$$$' ,$$$b,....,s$$$$b,,d$$$'.$$$;.,$$$'    ;$$$
  8. ;           `²S$$S²²S$$S²°²S$$$$S²°°²S$$$$$$',$$S²°²S$S'.sS$$$P²'
  9. ;                                    .sS²°$$$²²°"'       d²°'
  10. ;                                  .$$²  .$$'
  11. ;                                  $$$.,d$$'
  12. ;                                  `²S$$S²'
  13. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. ; P.P.L.X. 2.OO                          (C)1996 - Lone Runner / AEGiS CoRP'96 
  15. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. ; PPE 2.OO (plain) - Analysis ON - Postprocessing ON
  17. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19.     Boolean  BOOLEAN001
  20.     String   STRING001
  21.     String   STRING002
  22.     String   STRING003
  23.     String   STRING004
  24.     String   STRING005
  25.     String   STRING006
  26.     Byte     BYTE001
  27.     Byte     BYTE002
  28.     Byte     BYTE003
  29.     Byte     BYTE004
  31. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33.     Gosub LABEL004
  34.     Gosub LABEL001
  35.     End
  36.     :LABEL001
  37.     Newline
  38.     Print ReadLine(STRING001, 1)
  39.     BYTE002 = GetY()
  40.     BYTE003 = GetX()
  41.     Print STRING003 + "  "
  42.     BYTE004 = GetX()
  43.     Print STRING004
  44.     BYTE001 = 2
  45.     Gosub LABEL003
  46.     BOOLEAN001 = 0
  47.     While (BOOLEAN001 == 0) Do
  48.         STRING002 = Asc(Inkey())
  49.         If (STRING002 == 13) Then
  50.             BOOLEAN001 = 1
  51.             Continue
  52.         Endif
  53.         If ((STRING002 == 76) || (STRING002 == 44)) Then
  54.             Dec BYTE001
  55.             If (BYTE001 < 1) BYTE001 = 2
  56.             Gosub LABEL003
  57.             Continue
  58.         Endif
  59.         If ((STRING002 == 82) || (STRING002 == 46)) Then
  60.             Inc BYTE001
  61.             If (BYTE001 > 2) BYTE001 = 1
  62.             Gosub LABEL003
  63.             Continue
  64.         Endif
  65.         If ((STRING002 == 89) || (STRING002 == 121)) Then
  66.             BYTE001 = 2
  67.             Gosub LABEL003
  68.             BOOLEAN001 = 1
  69.             Continue
  70.         Endif
  71.         If ((STRING002 == 78) || (STRING002 == 110)) Then
  72.             BYTE001 = 1
  73.             Gosub LABEL003
  74.             BOOLEAN001 = 1
  75.         Endif
  76.     EndWhile
  77.     Gosub LABEL002
  78.     Return
  79.     :LABEL002
  80.     If (BYTE001 == 1) Then
  81.         Newline
  82.         KbdStuff "N"
  83.     Else
  84.         Newline
  85.         KbdStuff "Y"
  86.     Endif
  87.     Return
  88.     :LABEL003
  89.     Select Case (BYTE001)
  90.         Case 2
  91.             Print Chr(13)
  92.             Forward BYTE003 - 1
  93.             Print STRING003
  94.             Print Chr(13)
  95.             Forward BYTE004 - 1
  96.             Print STRING006
  97.         Case 1
  98.             Print Chr(13)
  99.             Forward BYTE004 - 1
  100.             Print STRING004
  101.             Print Chr(13)
  102.             Forward BYTE003 - 1
  103.             Print STRING005
  104.     End Select
  105.     Return
  106.     :LABEL004
  107.     STRING001 = PPEPath() + "500.CFG"
  108.     STRING003 = ReadLine(STRING001, 2)
  109.     STRING004 = ReadLine(STRING001, 3)
  110.     STRING005 = ReadLine(STRING001, 4)
  111.     STRING006 = ReadLine(STRING001, 5)
  112.     Return
  114. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. ;
  116. ; Usage report (before postprocessing)
  117. ;
  118. ; ■ Statements used :
  119. ;
  120. ;    1       End
  121. ;    16      Goto 
  122. ;    18      Let 
  123. ;    11      Print 
  124. ;    11      If 
  125. ;    8       Gosub 
  126. ;    4       Return
  127. ;    1       Inc 
  128. ;    1       Dec 
  129. ;    3       Newline
  130. ;    2       KbdStuff 
  131. ;    4       Forward 
  132. ;
  133. ;
  134. ; ■ Functions used :
  135. ;
  136. ;    2       +
  137. ;    4       -
  138. ;    13      ==
  139. ;    1       <
  140. ;    1       >
  141. ;    9       !
  142. ;    4       ||
  143. ;    4       Chr()
  144. ;    1       Asc()
  145. ;    1       Inkey()
  146. ;    1       PPEPath()
  147. ;    5       ReadLine()
  148. ;    2       GetX()
  149. ;    1       GetY()
  150. ;
  151. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. ;
  153. ; Analysis flags : No flag
  154. ;
  155. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. ;
  157. ; Postprocessing report
  158. ;
  159. ;    0       For/Next
  160. ;    1       While/EndWhile
  161. ;    6       If/Then or If/Then/Else
  162. ;    1       Select Case
  163. ;
  164. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. ;                 AEGiS Corp - Break the routines, code against the machines!
  166. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------